速報APP / 生活品味 / Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline

Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline(圖1)-速報App

Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline

this is an application where the application is to facilitate in learning to play the piano because in this application there are song lyrics and chords piano is clarified by piano chord images that make it easier to understand and learn it, especially for beginners who want to learn chord piano, this application is one the solution

Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline(圖2)-速報App

Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline(圖3)-速報App

Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline(圖4)-速報App

Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline(圖5)-速報App

Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline(圖6)-速報App

Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline(圖7)-速報App

Piano Chords and Lyrics Offline(圖8)-速報App